New Reciprocal Discounts on GlobalPSC & PSI Memberships
The Global Product Stewardship Council and Product Stewardship Institute are pleased to announce a one-year trial of 20% reciprocal membership discounts. Current PSI partners can now receive a 20% discount off the appropriate GlobalPSC membership category and current GlobalPSC members are now eligible for a 20% discount when joining PSI. The discounts will be applied when memberships are first applied for or renewed through September 2012. After the first…
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New Reciprocal Discounts on GlobalPSC & PSI Memberships
Update on Australia’s Framework Legislation and TV / Computer Scheme
Australia’s Product Stewardship Framework Legislation
GlobalPSC Event – Packaging EPR in British Columbia
North American Product Stewardship Study Tour
The Global Product Stewardship Council Perspective