Annual General Meeting and Call for Office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions
Annual General Meeting
The Global Product Stewardship Council is holding its Annual General Meeting via webconference at 0830 Australian Eastern Daylight Time on Friday, 21 December 2018. Due to time zone differences, this equates to the following:
0830 on Friday, 21 December in Sydney and Melbourne
0730 on Friday, 21 December in Brisbane
2230 on Thursday, 20 December in Cologne
2130 on Thursday, 20 December in London
1830 on Thursday, 20 December in Santiago
1630 on Thursday, 20 December in Boston and Toronto
1530 on Thursday, 20 December in Minneapolis
1330 on Thursday, 20 December in Vancouver
To access the meeting online, please visit this link. Additional phone-in details are provided at the bottom of this post.*
While multiple representatives of member organisations are welcome to participate in the AGM, each organisation is entitled to one vote only.
Items to be addressed during the AGM include:
- President’s report on Council activities during the last preceding financial year
- Member feedback / Q&A on Council member services
- Financial statement
- Election of office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions
Call for Office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions
In accordance with the Rules of the Global Product Stewardship Council, nominations for office-holders and other Executive Committee positions are now open. Only paid-up full Council members may nominate a candidate, or be nominated as a candidate.
The term of office of all currently elected Council officers and Executive Committee members will expire at the conclusion of the AGM. Nominations are called for the following positions (current office-holders are listed), to be in effect for one year:
- President (Scott Cassel)
- Vice-President (Garth Hickle)
- Treasurer (Chris van Rossem)
- Secretary (Russ Martin)
The Executive Committee currently comprises the office-holders plus Michelle Carvell, Rodrigo Leiva Neumann, Kylie Hughes, Joachim Quoden and Ed Cordner. All current office-holders and Executive Committee members have opted to run for re-election, as allowed under GlobalPSC Rules, with the exception of Tom Ogonek to whom we give our appreciation for his service.
Nominations for office-holders and committee members must be made in writing, signed by 2 members of the GlobalPSC and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate. Candidates will be required to provide a recent high-resolution digital photograph and a statement of no more than 100 words in support of their candidature.
Nominations should be emailed to russ@globalpsc.net by 14 December 2018.
* Call-in phone numbers:
(For supported devices, tap a one-touch number below to join instantly.)
Australia: +61 2 9087 3604
– One-touch: +61290873604,,322874525
Austria: +43 7 2081 5427
– One-touch: +43720815427,,322874525
Belgium: +32 27 00 6378
– One-touch: +3227006378,,322874525
Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391
– One-touch: +16474979391,,322874525
France: +33 170 950 594
– One-touch: +33170950594,,322874525
Germany: +49 691 7489 928
– One-touch: +496917489928,,322874525
United Kingdom: +44 330 221 0088
– One-touch: +443302210088,,322874525
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Annual General Meeting and Call for Office-holders and other Executive Committee Positions