CSSA Commits to Circular Economy for Plastics
The Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) has endorsed the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment’s common vision of a circular economy for plastics.
The CSSA is also making the following specific commitments:
- collaborate with businesses and governments in order to help increase reuse/recycling/composting rates for plastics;
- advocate for a system of harmonised extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations across Canada; and
- advocate for public procurement policies that require increasing amounts of recycled content in packaging and products and 100% recyclable plastic packaging.
The CSSA administers Recycle BC’s EPR program for packaging and paper product in the Province of British Columbia. As the program administrator, CSSA has also committed to ensuring that Recycle BC achieves its plastic recovery targets as follows:
- General plastic target of 50% by 2025;
- Rigid plastic target of 55% by 2022; and 60% by 2025;
- Flexible plastic target of 22% by 2022; and 25% by 2025.
CSSA was one of the first 250 signatories to the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment back in October 2018.
Content provided by CSSA.
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