What are the implications of product stewardship? Find out in one week!
The Global Product Stewardship Council is bringing experts on product stewardship policies and programs together to provide a practical product stewardship implementation workshop on 24 July in conjunction with the Enviro 2012 Conference & Exhibition in Adelaide, Australia.
Australia’s new Product Stewardship Act provides a policy framework for voluntary, co-regulatory and mandatory product stewardship programs. What are the implications? What are the opportunities and risks for your organisation?
Following keynote presentations providing international and domestic context, content will be targeted through short presentations and facilitated panel discussions in order to maximise opportunities for interaction and learning.
International experts will provide insight to overseas experience and commercial drivers for product stewardship and producer responsibility. Federal and state policy makers will provide context and address program expectations. Managers of existing programs will share practical insights and challenges of program implementation. Managers of new programs will address recovery, access, logistics, finance and other aspects of pending programs for collecting TVs, computers, other electronics and other products through product stewardship.
Confirmed plenary speakers include:
- Bruce Edwards, Assistant Secretary Waste Policy Branch of the Australian Government’s Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities;
- Steve Rust, Managing Director of Panasonic Australia (AV presentation); and
- Karen Gomez, Chief Executive Officer of AgStewardship Australia.
Confirmed panel speakers include:
- Vaughan Levitzke, Chief Executive of Zero Waste SA;
- John Polhill, Product Stewardship Specialist – Waste Strategy of Sustainability Victoria;
- Carmel Dollisson, General Manager of Australia and New Zealand Recycling Platform Ltd;
- Peter Bruce, Senior Director – Service Parts Logistics of DHL Supply Chain;
- Rose Read, Manager, Recycling of MobileMuster;
- Ed George of Plasback;
- Greg Leslie, Battery World franchisee recycling spokesperson; and
- Lorraine Lilley, Project Manager of the FluoroCycle Scheme.
Panel discussions will be facilitated by Helen Lewis, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Battery Recycling Initiative and Russ Martin, GlobalPSC President.
GlobalPSC members receive discounted registration rates for the workshop and a 10% discount off Enviro Conference delegate registrations. Registration details are available here.
Sponsors include:
To discuss sponsorship opportunities, contact russ@globalpsc.net.
Hyperlinked organisations are all GlobalPSC members.
Contrary to a recent email reminder from Enviro 2012, the workshop will not address the issue of container deposits. The workshop will, however, address various electronics, including TVs, computers and mobile phones, as well as other products such as batteries, fluorescent bulbs and agricultural chemicals and chemical containers.